Just a thought copied from somewhere

Sachin Khode
1 min readJan 4, 2021


Why should we learn #ml from scratch rather than just using libraries??

Let’s take an example:

Manager: We need a system for detecting pedestrians in real-time on the road!

Eng: I’m sure there’s an #R package that does it! I bet we can get it done the next week!

A few hours of googling later…

Eng: Oh, there’s nothing like that. Let’s download a dataset for it in .csv format from #Kaggle, try to code from there.

Next day…

Eng: Uh, there’s no readily available datasets, no out-of-the-box libraries. Let’s check Github!

After checking there

Eng: Guess, I’ll have to learn #Keras deeper and try to fix that.

After a few hours

M: Hey, how’s that pedestrian thing going?

Eng: Turns out the available model was good only for a demonstration! I’ll have to write my own in #TensorFlow

M: But you’ve told us that you’d be done by now.

Eng: This pre-implemented loss function is a mess! I will have to write my custom layers, loss function. so many things to study!

A course later…

Eng: Ok, it works, the simulations look pretty good!

Deploy eng: But it uses too much memory, we can’t use it in real time.

M: We have run out of funding and everyone is fired.

The moral of the story is that you can’t out google good fundamental education and relevant technical knowledge.



Sachin Khode

Data Scientist | Writer — DataSeries,Analytics Vidhya